Sunday, October 20, 2013

A Treatise on Love

I wrote this about a week ago. It's about relationships, which could potentially be seen as ironic because I am currently single and have always been single, but God's been molding how I think about this area and I want to share it. It might go against the grain for some people, so let me know what you think. I am still learning a lot in this area, and not everything I say will be perfect. Love ya!

I should start this off by saying I am still searching and struggling in this area like crazy. Every day, my heart asks more questions and finds more frustrations and wants romantic love to enter my life. But God is writing me into a story, and in the process He has begun to show me things that point my heart back to Him.
I just started college, and I am attending Biola University, a small private Christian college in Southern California. An interesting place for a small, private, conservative Christian college, one of the major results of which (I think) is “ring by spring.” We joke about it, but people take it seriously. I don’t think we ever quite realize just how seriously. As soon as you walk onto campus, you get the sense that everyone is “shopping for a spouse." Any time I get dolled up for an event and it seems like a guy notices me, I get the distinct impression he is considering whether or not I could be his future wife.

For the vast majority of students, this seems to work out pretty well. In most cases, it is likely the Lord truly desires the relationships that form to happen. All of us are practically swimming in a sea of people our age who love Jesus, so what better place to look for and find a spouse? I, however, am already getting tired of it. Most of the time, the matches don’t seem like they were made in Heaven, they just seem really young, like the engaged couple in one of who can’t be much older than sophomores. Do they really know what marriage is, and what it entails? And I am tired of feeling like I have to measure up to someone’s expectations or get to know someone simply because he is interested in me and we are at Bible college together. I find it sad that, in a place where it is made so easy to focus on and learn so much about Jesus, all of us are so focused on finding “the one.” It clouds our judgment and prevents us from realizing how deep, passionate, and tender the Lord’s love is for His people. The opposite gender distracts us from surrendering our stories to the Lord and allowing Him to take us as far as we can go with Him in this life. We don’t see it, but it is such a tragedy! So many fail to see and pursue the richness of a truly intimate, radical relationship with Christ and Christ alone.
For the past couple of weeks I’ve been really struggling with all these thoughts and desires. There’s a boy I see all over the place (unfortunately, I have yet to have a real conversation with him, but we’ll get there) who is really cute and for some reason my emotions decided to tell me repeatedly that seeing him everywhere meant we were somehow destined to be together. Can we say “emotional roller coaster?” It’s been bad, possibly the most driven distracted I’ve ever been by attraction to someone, and much of it was not pure. But by God’s grace, somewhere along the line I decided I wanted Jesus more, and I was able to seek Christ in the midst of the turmoil of my feelings. I started asking how I could trust Him and love Him more and asking how I am to honor Him as I wait for Him to bring someone into my life, because it does get lonely and frustrating and exhausting, and the desires are so strong.
A friend of mine and I were talking it over, and she said something that struck me: “I don’t think it’s about loving Jesus most, it’s about loving Him alone.” I had never thought of things that way before, and it’s such a revolutionary distinction! Loving Jesus alone instead of most. That suggests absolute contentment, trust, and rest in the richness and intensity of His love. It means my heart is to be complete in Jesus and know He is enough. It means I will not be constantly searching or waiting for a mortal beloved, because I am so enthralled by my Heavenly Love that I can trust Him implicitly with my earthly love story, and perhaps even stop having so much desire for an earthly love as everything pales in comparison to Him.
Within the same conversation, my friend brought me to another realization: if loving Jesus is enough, if He is satisfying and beautiful and tender and intimate enough for my heart, any earthly romance is truly just added joy. When the Lord chooses to weave a relationship into my story, it will be because He has seen fit to love me through the man He brings into my life. That takes my future husband and I entirely out of the picture! We will be a means of imparting Christ to each other, not satisfying and pleasing each other. What a beautiful, humbling, hope-inspiring picture.

So I encourage you to fight the good fight, to see and seek Jesus as enough for your heart. Be willing to sacrifice desire for an earthly love story so He who is Divine can enthrall and romance your heart, interlacing your soul with His, and proving Himself to be beautiful and absolutely sufficient. On the lonely days or the times when you are struggling with intense desire and attraction (because those days come all too often), be honest with Christ about where your heart is, and continually lay these desires on the altar before Him. Think of it as a fragrant offering. All He wants is to be enough for you. All He wants is to satisfy you, romance your heart, and bring you the depth of Heavenly joy. Sacrifice yourself! Allow Him to bring you to the place where He is all you see, and your relationship with Him is as rich and deep and beautiful as it can possibly be in this life.
As for me, I’m done with waiting. I’m done with anticipating, hoping, longing. I’m done with longing my heart sick. I’m frustrated with myself because I know it’s wrong, and yet all of it enters my heart so often. And for some reason I don’t want to let go of it and rest in the Lord. What is it that keeps me glancing up and wondering about every guy who walks by, or that makes that little hope jump into my heart every time the boy with his lesson after mine knocks on my teacher's door? Why can I not just let go? I know it’s going to be a long wait, and I’m afraid of the hopes making that wait painful and exhausting where it could be rich and exhilarating. I want someone to think I’m amazing – to love that I love John Mayer and have a weird fascination with light, water, and Mason jars. And yet there’s the rub, because Jesus already does! He is already passionately in love with me. He is ravished by my beauty, fascinated by my quirks, and delights so deeply in every intricacy of who He made me to be. What a richly beautiful, intensely intimate, painfully sweet God. A God who is enough.
May He reveal this ever more deeply to all of our hearts, and may we always be open to the movements of His Spirit in us.

Beholding your beauty is all that I long forTo worship you Jesus is my sole desireFor this very heart you have made for your pleasurePurposed to lift your name higher Here in surrender
In pure adorationI enter your courts with an offering of praiseI am your servant come to bring you gloryAs is fit for the work of your hands Now unto the Lamb who sits on the throne
Be glory and honor and praiseAll of creation resounds with the song –
Worship and praise Him, the Lord of lords. Spirit now living and dwelling within meKeep my eyes fixed ever on Jesus’ faceLet not the things of this world ever sway meI’ll run till I finish the race.
 Now unto the Lamb, who sits on the throneBe glory and honor and praiseAll of eternity echoes the songWorship and praise him, the Lord of lords Holy Lord, you are holyJesus Christ is the Lord
Holy Lord, you are holyJesus Christ is the Lord Now unto the Lamb, who sits on the throneBe glory and honor and praiseCall all the sinners to join in the songWorship and praise him, the Lord of lords He’s Lord of lordsLord of lords
- "Lord of Lords" Hillsong United

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